Sunday, August 13, 2017

How I see it.

My fellow Americans. When I say that, I mean ALL Americans, no matter, race, creed gender or natioinal identity.

First, let me say this; I condemn all the so-called "right-wing patriots" who have siezed on this past election to be used as an excuse to slither out from under their rocks and rise up on their tails to preach their idea of "nationalism". The KKK, the neo-nazis, the alt-right, all of those who think that America is a segregated and whites only country, all of them are dead wrong and should stand down because you have absolutely NO support from the Commander-in Chief. As a matter of fact, I stand away from you. Your actions have done more to damage this country than unite it.

To those on the left who are unable or unwilling to accept the results of the Presidential election, I say this; your calls for censorship, violent protest, active resistance by any means necessary is also abhorrent. The outragous reactions from those on the left, and I include sitting and fomer members of this very legislature, self-proclaimed political experts, those that call for the violent military over-throw of this government are doing nothing but fueling the hatred and violence we all say we detest.


The First Amendment to the Constitution protects the freedom of speech. Some in this country do not agree with what I say and want to do. That is their right. Some in this country do agree with my ideas and methods. That is also their right. BUT, it is NOT the right of EITHER side to incite violence and stoke hatred for their ideological opposites. America is a country of laws. Laws set down to protect and defend the Constitution and this country. We have a system of government that allows for a PEACEFUL and orderly transition of power. I was duly elected under this system and, in four years, you will have the chance to either replace me or re-elect me.

I stand before you as man, a man who is deeply saddened and digusted by the actions of the radicals on both sides of the political spectrum. I beg you, stand down, go home, look upon your collective visages in the mirror and ask one question, "Is this the America I want my children to grow up in? A country of violent protest, fighting in the streets, hatred being shouted from the media and social sites? Is this the America I support?" The United States of America is not only a country but, an ideal. An ideal that has endured for two centuries and, with God's help, will endure for two hundred more.

Thank you and may God protect ALL of us.