Monday, December 8, 2008

Obama, media bias and 1984

Take a look at this site then come back here and see if you agree with me.

For those of us who have taken a rather jaded and cynical view of the news media since Water-gate changed the entire thrust of what is considered "news-gathering", this particular video and Zogby poll comes as no surprise. Bear in mind that 95% of reporters and writers in the media consider themselves "liberals". (Yes, my friends, there is documentation to back it up!)

After the Democrats saw how powerful the media could be, they set out to cultivate it.(at that time the term "mainstream media" hadn't been thought up)
No-one can say that the Democrats are not on the cutting edge of communication. Just look at how Clinton and Obama used the Internet for campaigning and contributions. Talk about embracing tech!

What we see today is the result of a decades worth of various means to take control the media. (This take-over is a whole other discussion but, just look at the teacher's and professors teaching our children and the literal shouting down and out-right banning of conservative view-points on college campus')

It will be interesting to see how the media con-volute themselves to support the "Fairness Doctrine" in the print and other forms of mass communication. (I am still ruminating on the effect of this doctrine on the rather free-wheeling Internet. The Chinese did a fine job of web censor-ship before the Olympics. Believe me, how it was done was noticed over here.)

Google "Fairness Doctrine". You'll be stunned, I gar-on tee it! For all intents and purposes, it will effectively shut down all forms of talk radio, tv and print medium that contradicts the "Mainstream Media's" definition of "true" (i.e. righteous) political speech.

Remember, there is freedom of speech, just as long as it agrees with the media's and the educators take on what is right and proper thought. (How about 1984, twenty five years later) If we happen to disagree, we won't be heard outside of our own circle of friends.
I'll be expanding on this missive and various other points touched on in this abbreviated free-wheeling commentary on my website:

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