Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Anti-incumbent Movement

Seems like the American people have no urge or desire to change Washington.

The recent polls from Gallup and others show that people have the lowest opinion of Congress in years. The latest approval rating stands at a dismal 17%. However, 90% of the incumbents that run get RE-ELECTED!!! I believe that this reflects the general laziness of the average American voter. Too much work to do the necessary research before voting. All voters absolutely depend on the media for all their information regarding the people running for office. This delivers into the hands of the media the ability to sway voters decisions in a powerful way.

Well, I say, it's time to vote the bums OUT! Clean house, vote against any incumbent that runs for office. Re-elect NO-ONE! Put new, fresh people into office for newer, fresher, ideas. Obama ran on that very idea. "Hope and change". We all can see now that was complete hog-wash.

Very few in the Federal legislature deserve to be there. You can count them on your fingers. I urge all of the readers to do some real research, and soul searching, before voting again. Anything you need to know is either in the newspaper archives or posted on the internet. Voting records, criminal charges, quotes, just about anything on any politician.

I'm providing a link here to get you started. Once you click on this, you'll find other links to more pages that will help you narrow your search to your personal representatives home pages and anything else published on them.

Come on people, we have the power, for now, to rid ourselves of these leeches that thrive on the power and money in Washington. And, a side-effect of limiting the incumbents to ONE term in office is that lobbying will become so damn expensive, it'll wither and die. Being relatively new to this, give me a chance to post other links to various sites that will help you in your research. Most will be found on the left side of my blog page. Maybe, hopefully, you'll bookmark this blogger site and like me on FB and Google+ HERE'S TO US! THE AMERICAN VOTERS! HOORAH!

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