Sunday, August 25, 2019

Something has been eating at me. I know it's petty but, it still lives.

 Mitakuye Oyasin
  We had a family member pass on a few years back. He was a veteran. At least I considered him a veteran. He was a member of the merchant marine service. His job was to deliver goods and military supplies to our men stationed over-seas. The Navy sent reps to his internment.
  He was also a Native American Elder. A man respected and loved by all. At least I thought so.
  When he died he was destitute. All his funds had been used for end of life care.
  Another family member BUILT his coffin by hand. A local funeral home allowed us to perform his final dressing and his ceremony for a third of what a bare bones actual funeral would cost.
His body was loaded into my pick-up truck and transported to the cemetery for his internment. His body, along with the handmade wood coffin, returned to Mother as is natural, to return to the Great Wheel of Life.
  There is no marker to commemorate his life. It was far too expensive for even a simple granite stone.
His memory and wisdom live on in his family's minds and prayers.

  On to MY issue. No one else's, just MINE.
  On Facebook, I posted a request for donations to buy a simple grave marker. I thought that those who knew our Grandfather would be inclined to at least help me shoulder the cost. I asked for small donations. $1, $2, $5, nothing that would hurt one's finances. 
  Of all his family and friends who knew and professed respect and love, ONE made a donation. A friend of mine, WHO DIDN'T EVEN KNOW MY GRANDFATHER also donated. He knows who he is and he has my life long gratitude. I will saddle up and ride to his aid when ever it's needed. Another acquaintance, who barely knew him, made a rather large donation. She knows who she is and has our gratitude.
  All donations went to the funeral home.
  Money is still owed to the funeral home and our Grandfather's final resting place remains unadorned.
  So, if you post a request for donations for anything other than Lupus or animal rescue and you don't see my name in the list, don't be angry at me. Disillusionment and disappointment powers my ignorance of your need for money for your cause.
  I'm NOT asking for anything now. I just needed to unburden myself so I can move on.

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